Invasion: America was a wargame designed by Jim Dunnigan and published by SPI in 1976. It depicted a hypothetical invasion of North America by a coalition of three invaders. The game was played on a 35 inch by 42 inch map, with 400 cardboard pieces representing the armed forces in the war. As was typical of wargames of this genre, each piece had numerical combat and movement ratings printed on it. The board was divided up into small hexagons (each of which represented approximately 50,000 square kilometers). On each turn a player could move all of his pieces through a number of hexagon spaces equal to its movement rating. Then pieces in adjacent spaces would engage in combat by comparing their combat ratings and rolling dice. The combat ratings and the dice roll would be cross-referenced to determine the outcome of the combat. Many spaces on the map also had distinctive terrain features like forests or mountains which would affect the ratings of units in those spaces.
Invasion: America was intended as a four player game; one player was the defender and controlled the forces of the United States and Canada (Mexico and Central America were American-occupied territory). The other three players were the invaders; the European Socialist Coalition, the South American Union, and the Pan Asiatic League. Each turn of the game represented one month and the game lasted for 60 turns. The North American player won if he still controlled a portion of the continent by game's end. If the North American player lost, whichever of the invading players held the most territory was the winner. The result was that the invaders cooperated to an extent in attacking the North American player but ultimately were competing against each other.
Invasion: America was a popular game for SPI and led to a 1978 sequel; Objective Moscow in which it was the Soviet Union that was being invaded.